Monday, January 27, 2020

Juice Of Different Brands And Containers Marketing Essay

Juice Of Different Brands And Containers Marketing Essay Introduction Now a day with the increasing intensive competition in order to marketing a product marketing plan is considered as a sole of this, 2.1 Current Marketing Situation In our country there are many types of fruit juice available in the market. Generally mango juice is popular. Beside this, orange, apple, strawberry, grape juices are also accepted by the consumers. At present, many existing soft drink producing companies like Pran, Shezan, Achme are more or less successful in the country because of the rate of selling of their product in the market. Considering this situation, to enter into the market and to compete with other brands, our new soft drinks producing company Anron is preparing to launch the juice of water melon which will enter as a new product in the market. Generally our target is to focus on all class people of all ages particularly kids and teenagers. For doing this we have tried to distribute our product in such areas so that it is available to them. 2.1.1 Market Description Generally, in current market different types of juices are sold in tetra packets or bottles. Tetra packet is not returnable. It is very light and easy to carry. On the other hand, some bottles are returnable and some are not. Few images of these types of containers of some particular brands are shown below: Fig1. Juice of different brands and containers Fruit juice is very good for health because it provides vitamin and nutrition that build body. Since the present market is generally covered by orange, apple, strawberry, grape juice and our new product water melon juice is full of nutrition we want to present it with nice flavors, nice containers and with a real taste at reasonable price. Watermelons are grown throughout the tropics and subtropics region, but do best in the hot drier areas with the abundance of sunshine. They are killed by frost. They grow best on fertile sandy soil, particularly on sandy river banks. They ate fairly drought- resistant and will not stand water logging. Kuakata, Khepupara, Alipur, Mohipur, etc. are main production area of water melon in Patuakhali district in our country. It is also produced in Natore and other districts in Bangladesh. Our target is to collect water melon from the cultivators of different areas and make a deal with them to ensure proper supply of the water melon in order to produce Juicy Melon in a large volume. 2.1.2 Product Review An overall idea about our product is presented here. i. The brand name of the product will be Juicy Melon. ii. The slogan of the product is A taste of reality. iii. At first, it will be available in the market in cane, plastic or glass bottles and in tetra packets. iv. The containers will be of different sizes so that people can buy according to their need. v. The juice will be produced from fresh and pure water melon which is grown in our country. vi. It will be produced by highly improved automated machine. vii. It will be fully free from harmful chemicals, colors and preservatives. viii. It can be stored in refrigerator but it is not must to store it. ix. The overall making procedure of the juice will be monitored by experienced employees and chemists. x. The product will be available in almost all shops in the market. At first, in grocery shop then, in super markets. xi. The product quality will be of high and price will be reasonable. 2.1.2 Competitive Review Pran, Shezan, Achme, Frutika juices have already created a standard position in the market. So, just launch a product in a market is not an easy task. To make a good impression to consumer about the product and also to make profit it is must to know details about other competitors. Analyzing the competitor can create augment chances of launching to be the most successful one. Pran: PRAN is the leading food processing company in Bangladesh and is believed to be processing about half of the horticulture produce that goes to the processed channel in the country. The company produces and distributes fruits juices, snacks, confectionery, culinary products, dairy and soft drinks. It enjoys a strong brand reputation in the country and exports its products to 70 countries. The company has requested IFC for assistance to finance its corporate plan to expand capacity and improve operating efficiencies, aimed at satisfying growing domestic demand and capitalizing on export opportunities. Shezan: The company was incorporated in 1964 as a Private Limited Company, with the main  objective to set up an industrial undertaking for manufacturing of juices, squashes, sherbets, jams, pickles and preserves from fruits and vegetables. In 1971, Shahnawaz group purchased all the shares of Alliance Industrial  Development Corporation. Sajeeb Corporation the company is a well reputed and leading manufacturer, exporter, importer marketing organisation of consumer products (Shezan Juice, TANG, Nocilla, Kolson Lascha Semai, Kolson Macaroni, Kolson Vermicelli, Kolson Noodles, Sajeeb Biscuits other food item) in Bangladesh. Acme: ACME Group is one of the leading and diversified global conglomerates in Bangladesh, with offices in all major cities, employing over 3000+ employees. The images of some acme juice products are given below: Fig2. ACME juice products Frutika: Akij Food and Beverage Limited (AFBL) is one of the main concerns of Akij Group, which is a Bangladeshi industrial conglomerate. Frutika Juice is the juice brand of AFBL, recently introduced juice in the prevalent Bangladesh market. From the lunching of the product Frutika Juice has come up with novelty promotional campaign in order to grab the market share. It also tried to make available the product in the market through their effective distribution channel. However, the price charged by it is relatively higher compared to the competitors. 2.1.2 Distribution Review This is an important part of marketing. After producing Juicy Melon in the company it is required to distribute it in the market. At first, we will distribute it almost all shops of divisional cities. Grocery Store is a store established primarily for the retailing of food. Our assigned team member will distribute the product in grocery shops. People of our country are largely dependent on this type of shops. They can buy necessary things from their nearest shop. So, to reach our product to every people, Juicy Melon will be distributed to grocery store. Supermarket A supermarket, a form of grocery store, is a self-service store offering a wide variety of food and household merchandise, organized into departments. It is larger in size and has a wider selection than a traditional grocery store and it is smaller than a hypermarket or superstore. Well distribute our product at this type of market. Schools, colleges and universities Well distribute the Juicy Melon in the shops nearby schools and colleges. We also supply it in the university cafà ©. SWOT analysis: Our company is serving in the market as a leading competitor. Most of the products of our company are consumer oriented and holding superior market value except the existing juice brands. Thats why our company is willing to inaugurate a juicy brand in a different manner, with a different taste in the juicy drinks JUICY MELON- a pure natural drink with no added sugar, a minus fat with no calorie observation. Though our new product is expected to lead the juice market, we have a swat analysis for the betterment in market serving in an efficient way. Strength: strength are internal capabilities that can help the company reach its objectives .our company has the strengths- Innovative feature- the juicy melon is containing a minus fat characteristic, which is a new observation in case of any juicy brands. Along with our companies existing brands, no other brand is containing this rare feature. Lower price- in comparison to other competitive products in the market, juicy melon is charged a lower price. The lower price is possible due to our competitive advantage in technological and ingredient observation. Ingredient availability- the main ingredient used in the Juicy Melon is water melon. Water melon is largely produced in all over the country. The price is also seems to be very low which is very positive indication for the company. Full of nutrition-our main ingredient ,watermelon is a indigenous fruit which have to believed to have originated in our India Subcontinent is a good source of vitamin A, high in vitamin C, beta-carotene, lycopen, iron, zinc, potassium and other nutritive minerals and very low in sodium; free of fat, saturated fat and cholesterol. Weakness: weakness is internal elements that may interfere with companys ability to achieve its objectives. The major weaknesses are ___ 1. Lack of market information previously no other product is made up of water melon the juicy melon can serve the market or not, may be a questionable factor. Higher preservation cost _ the preservation cost is higher than others. The product, ingredient liquid is a season fruit so the company has to store a huge amount due to demand construction. Opportunity: Opportunities are external elements that the company may be able to its advantage. Increasing demand: Due to peoples health consciousness and other environmental factors people are demanding natural food. The Juicy Melon will be available in the market with this unique characteristic. So there is a possibility that demand will increase in a hear future. Low technology cost: Juicy Melon is available at lower cost due to its lower technology cost. Due to govt. policy, the technological assistance is available from different companies outside the country. The nutrition content: The high water and nutrients contents of our main ingredient keep our bodies hydrated and refreshed, protect from dehydration, toxification; helps in cleaning our kidneys; Vitamin A and beta-carotene improve the accuracy of our vision, preventing, at the same time, eyes-related diseases such as cataracts or macular degeneration, help heart to function accurately, strengthen the immune system, prevent against cancer and is an anti-aging and anti-wrinkling agent for the skin; lycopene a naturally occurring red pigment is the most active carotenoid that is a very potent antioxidant against free radicals and anti-anticancer agent, helps improving short and long term memory, protects and prevents from heart disorders, beneficial against the prostate and testicles and prevents skin, cervical, breast and prostate cancer, also acts as a detoxifier of the waste in the body and inhibits cholesterol formation; Iron plays a decisive role in the growth and physical develop ment of children and teenagers, as it helps their bodies grow in a healthy and harmonious way, strengthens and protects all the organs within our body and is crucial for menstruating, pregnant or lactating women, makes us active and provides us with stamina, links to the hemoglobin, which transports oxygen from the lungs to all body cells and is also part of key enzyme systems for energy production and metabolism; and so on. These all valuable nutritious functions of our ingredient give our product a high quality diet or food value and will help us in our promotion strategies. Our tropical climate: The succulent, thrust-quench fruit watermelon containing 90% water is available for maximum three months on the other hand in our tropical country, now a days, summer exists more than about seven months. As a result, the demand of this refreshing and thrust-quench fruits exists beyond the period of watermelons availability. Demand for all the year round: Besides delicious and watery mouth taste, the high nutritious value will support its demand for the whole year. Threats: Threats are current or emerging external elements that may possibly challenge companys performance. Increased composition: A number of compositions are entering into market with fruit juice orientation .Along with our companys existing fruit juice, grappyfizz, appyfizz etc. again no water melon juice is available in the market. Variety in customer preference: Bangladesh is a country of about 14 crore people. The market size seems to be very large. Again the market is differentiated in terms of demand as the people are differentiated in case of income, age, occupation, literacy, etc. 4.0 Objectives and Issues 4.1 Objectives 4.2 Issues 5. Marketing Strategy Anrons marketing strategy is based on positioning of product differentiation in terms of new taste and flavor and relatively lower price than other competitors. Our primary consumer target is children and our secondary consumer targets are young and adult people who enjoy fruit juice and other types of soft drinks. Our primary business targets are wholesalers and retailers of busy places like bus terminals, railway stations, and local markets. Our secondary business targets are cafeteria of college and university, fast food shops and shopping mall. 5.1. Positioning Though our product Juicy Melon is undifferentiated type, we want to differentiate it by providing real taste of watermelon which is one of the most flavored and nutritious fruit. The flavored taste of watermelon, the brand new type of juice, the nutritious value, the colorful attractive packaging, and relatively lower price are our major positioning tool. 5.2. Product Strategy The Juicy Melon, including all the features described in the earlier Product review section, will be sold in different colorful packaging styles like cane, plastic and glass bottle, tetra pack of different amount like 150 ml of tetra pack; 250 ml of cane, plastic and glass bottle, tetra pack; 500 ml of plastic and glass bottle, 1 L of plastic and glass bottle. The different types of packaging are shown below in the table: Packaging Amount per unit packaging Cane 250 ml Cane 500 ml Tetra pack 150 ml Tetra pack 250 ml Tetra pack 500 ml Tetra pack 1 L Plastic bottle 250 ml Plastic bottle 500 ml Plastic bottle 1 L Glass bottle 250 ml Glass bottle 500 ml Glass bottle 1 L The delicious taste and flavour of products main ingredient, water melon and colorful attractive packaging; purity and asepty of Juicy melon and comparatively lower price are all favorable features of our product to attract our target customers and to take competitive advantage. We will introduce another new taste and flavor of pineapple (the Juicy pineapple) in the next year thereby expanding product line. Building brand equity with new taste and purity is an integral part of our product strategy. The brand name (ABC), slogan (BRINGS TASTE IN LIFE) will be displayed on the pack, cane and bottle that means on overall packaging and in our primary introductory marketing campaign these will be reinforced. 5.3. Price Strategy The Juicy Melon will follow market penetration pricing strategy with target of large market sharing by attracting large number of buyers. The Juicy melon will be introduced at the wholesale and retail price per unit which are shown in the following table Packaging Price Per Unit Cane, 250 ml 13 Cane, 500 ml 25 Tetra pack, 150 ml 10 Tetra pack, 250 ml 13 Tetra pack, 500 ml 25 Tetra pack, 1L 48 Plastic bottle, 250 ml 13 Plastic bottle, 500 ml 25 Plastic bottle, 1L 48 Glass bottle, 250 ml 13 Glass bottle, 500 ml 25 Glass bottle, 1L 48 5.4. Distribution Strategy Our distribution strategy is intensive distribution to make the product available to the consumer by stoking as many outlets as possible. Indirect consumer marketing channel (Producer Wholesaler Retailer Consumer) is our major distribution channel. In various occasion like Pahela Baishakh, International Mother Language Day, Independent Day, Victory Day, Eid Ul Azha, Eid Ul Fitar, Durga Puja, fair and so on, we will follow mobile marketing using direct consumer marketing channel by direct selling to consumer at half of the price per unit in the college and university campus and other gathering and fair place. 5.5. Marketing Communication Strategy By using all media like TV channels, printing media, radio, bill board, we will integrate all messages to reinforce the brand name, the main points of positioning of new and unique taste and flavor and lower price. We will follow both a combination of pull and push strategy. Our persuasive and comparative advertising objectives will be achieved through selecting appropriate timing, media and advertising strategy by advertising agency based on media consumption research to reach prospect buyers for pull strategy before and during product introduction. Consumer sales promotion tools like premium, contests which will be communicated through advertising will be used for pull strategy. For push strategy we will use trade sales promotions like discount, premium, display allowance to attract motivate, retain and persuade wholesaler and retailer to give self space, promote in advertising, and push our product to consumers. For our new product we need large advertising budget as we want to gain large marketing share. 5.6. Marketing Research Our exploratory and descriptive research objectives are- -measuring brand awareness during and after marketing campaigns which will help us determines the effectiveness and efficiency of our messages and media, -studying customer satisfaction to gauge market reaction, -identifying opportunities for our future product development effort, -measuring and analyzing customer attitudes toward competing brands and products. 5.7. Marketing Organization The structure of our marketing organization is organized by function which is shown in the following figure. The Chief marketing officer holds overall authorization for marketing strategy and direction Chief Marketing Officer Sales Manager Public Relation Manager Promotion Manager Research Manager Promotion Analyst Advertising Analyst Figure: Arnones Marketing Organization 6.0 Action Programs We will launch our product Juicy Melon in first January 2011.The summary of our next four months action programs to our objectives are given below. December, 2010 We will introduce our Juicy Melon formally by arranging concert inviting most popular celebrity and nutritionists who will give some speech about our products nutritious value. We will start trade sales promotion strategies by communicating selected wholesaler. January, 2011 We will start integrated campaign targeting our prospected customer using multimedia like TV channels, printing media, radio, bill board. We will start consumer sales promotion. February, 2011 We will continue multimedia advertising campaign to reinforce our positioning strategies and will also continue trade sales promotion tactics. March, 2011 We will use new type of advertising, and will continue consumer sales promotion and will use mobile marketing. 7.0 Budget: This marketing plan includes a detailed budget, schedule, and managerial assignment for every action program. After implementing the marketing plan, up-to-date data has to be collected about the product position regularly and then for control purposes the plan will be allowed for month-by-month comparison of actual versus projected sales and expenses. Budgets as managerial tools How much will the activities defined above cost? Can you provide a revenue forecast? Explain the assumptions on which the forecast is based and consider various (best case, worst case) scenarios. Since many Information Centers now operate as cost centers, if not profit centers, this component of the plan is extremely important. The classic quantification of a marketing plan appears in the form of budgets. Because these are so rigorously quantified, they are particularly important. They should, thus, represent an unequivocal projection of actions and expected results. What is more, they should be capable of being monitored accurately; and, indeed, performance against budget is the main (regular) management review process. The purpose of a marketing budget is, thus, to pull together all the revenues and costs involved in marketing into one comprehensive document. It is a managerial tool that balances what is needed to be spent against what can be afforded, and helps make choices about priorities. It is then used in monitoring performance in practice. The marketing budget is usually the most powerful tool by which you think through the relationship between desired results and available means. Its starting point should be the marketing strategies and plans, which have already been formulated in the marketing plan itself; although, in practice, the two will run in parallel and will interact. At the very least, the rigorous, highly quantified, budgets may cause a rethink of some of the more optimistic elements of the plans. Objectives of Budget Budget serves two main purposes To protect profitability To help managers plan for expenditures, scheduling, and operations related to each action program. Determining costs There are different types of costs like fixed costs and variable costs. Fixed costs (also known as overhead) are costs that do not vary with production or sales levels and include costs such as rent, interest, depreciation and clerical and management salaries. Regardless of the level of output company must pay these costs. The total fixed costs remain constant as output increases, the fixed costs per unit will decrease as output increase because the total fixed costs are spread across more unit of output. On the other hand variable costs vary directly with the level of production and include costs related to the direct production of the product and many of the marketing costs associated with selling it. Although these costs tend to be uniform for each unit produced, they are called variable costs because their total varies with the number of units produced. Total first year sales revenue for the Juicy melon is projected at tk2000000 million, with an average wholesale price tk 13.00 per bottle and variable cost per bottle 3.00 tk for per bottle sales volumes 400000. We anticipate a first year loss up to 10 million on the juicy melon. Break even calculation indicates that the juicy melon will become profitable after the sales volume exceeds 40000 early in the products second year. Our breakeven analysis of juicy melons first product assumes per bottle whole sale revenue of amount per bottle. Variable cost of tk 3 per bottle, and estimated first year fixed cost of 400000. Based on the assumption the breakeven calculation is: Beak even volume = = Fixed costs / price variable costs = 400000/13-3 = 40000 Where as fixed costs = 4, 00,000 Variable cost = 3 Expected unit sales= 50,000 Unit costs = variable costs + fixed cost/expected unit sales = 3+ 400000/50000 = 11 Mark up price = unit costs / 1- desired return on sales 16 percent = 11/ 1- 0.16 = 13 Determining price is one of the most important marketing decisions and marketers have to considerable leeway when setting prices. The limiting factors are demand and costs. Demand factors such as buyer perceived value, set the price ceiling. The companys cost set the price floor. In between these two factors, we as a marketer must consider competitors price and other factors such as reseller requirements, government regulations, and company objectives as well. Since we started as a new product we would like to sell at wholesale prices tk 13.00. In order to expand the market and to gain market share rapidly we launch the product at a lower price. Accordingly we first consider pricing decision s from a cost perspective. The n we consider consumer value, the competitive environment and the reseller requirements. 8.0 Controls Controls help management assess results after the plan is implemented, identify any problems or performance variations, and initiate corrective action. We would like to plan tight control measures to closely monitor quality and customer satisfaction. This will enable us to react quickly in correcting any problems that may occur. Other early warning signals that will be monitored for signs of deviation from the plan include monthly sales (by segment and channels) and monthly expenses. Giving the emphasis on the market volatility, contingency plans are developed to address fast moving environmental changes such as new technology and new competition. Now a day the executive drinks market is steadily increasing with passing time. With keeping this in mind, our marketing programs will expand accordingly. The addition of an internally index will allow juicy melon to the market with the expanding number of potential customers. Sales will increase accordingly, providing working capital for internal product development, marketing department growth, and Internet development. A presence on the Internet will be a key milestone to expanding sales and marketing potentials through the utilization of new channels. Ultimately everything is carried out to monitor the project success. Break-even analysis Based on understanding of the costs, consumer value and the competitive environment and reseller requirement we have decided to set its price to wholesalers at tk 13.00.At that price what sales level will be needed to break even or make profit is determined. Breakeven analysis determines the unit volume 40,000 and taka sales needed to be profitable given a particular price and cost structure. At the breakeven point, total revenue equals total costs and profit is zero. Above this point the company will make profit; below it, the company will lose money. The break even analysis shows that to reach the break even point, the company is required to have sold 4000 units of the juice. As per the sales forecast, it will happen by the end of 4th year (2014) of launching product into the market. Table: Break Even analysis Quantity of bottles(thousands) (1) FC (Tk) (thousand) (2) VC (Tk) (thousand) (3) = (1) ÃÆ'- Tk. 3 TC (Tk) (thousand) (4) = (2) +( 3) TR (Tk) (thousand) (5) = (1) ÃÆ'- Tk 13 Profit (Tk) (thousand) 0 400 0 400 0 -400 10 400 30 430 130 -300 20 400 60 460 260 -200 30 400 90 490 390 -100 40 400 120 520 520 0 50 400 150 550 650 100 Figure : Break Even analysis Conclusion In order to the effective

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Analysis Of Project Management And Professional Development Education Essay

I draft here myself analysis study that describes my strengths and failings with groundss from what I have experienced in the yesteryear. Researching me reveals what went incorrect and what I have done to do things better. I realized that practising this sort of analysis on regular footing will ensue in uninterrupted ego development.My strengths:In conformity to Belbin ‘s scheme I recognized myself as a complete closer. I used to work as a interior decorator for three different concerns based in Singapore. My duties were geting the information from clients and happen the ways to implement them in their sites. I finish all my assignments exactly as required by the clients. I ‘ve received grasps from my clients for my clean work though it took excess clip. After six months of work experience I got promoted as a squad leader where I got an chance to pull off and take a squad. During this term of office I performed good with my colleagues and I identified and explored the leading accomplishments within me. I am a really good coordinator and many workers in other squad have shown involvement to fall in my squad. I achieved my scheme by forming and organizing the squad and administering the assigned undertaking every bit so that the squad members do non acquire stressed nor experience biased. After two old ages of work experience I moved to a new concern and posted as a Mechanical Engineer. There I ought to keep records ( difficult transcript and softcopy ) on my each and every determination and action and its consequences. The files are indispensable to be good organized in an appropriate mode. I can quickly follow any information from the files I am keeping while my colleagues even fighting to happen the vicinity of their files. From that I learned I have ability to maintain my information in a proper mode. I ever look for chances and when I see things which I do non cognize I make an attempt to larn them by making research on them. I learned new package Languages and tools by myself transporting research online. I have produced and lunched a website utilizing Flash, HTML, PHP which is perfectly irrelevant to my surveies and profession. I have achieved this accomplishment because of my ego assurance and self motive.My failing:I am cocksure on my decisive nature. Most of the times, I do non listen to others thoughts. I take all the needed determinations on my ain. In the past few of my higher-ups annoyed me by rejecting my thoughts. From that clip I developed the attitude to over support my determinations. Many times my thoughts were non good even though I ne'er gave up. My biggest failing is I do non show my endowments and accomplishments to others. For case, I worked in a machine fabrication concern as a trainee. There I learned everything really rapidly and aggressively. And I worked really barely by utilizing the accomplishments I have learned from my preparation period than other co-workers. Even though, I ne'er received any benefits from the direction. So I decided to travel out of the concern. When I was at that place to vacate my occupation the direction asked for the ground of my surrender. Therefore I told them I do non have any assessment for my public presentation and direction explained that it was my failing, as I did non market my accomplishments and difficult work to them. I am non so good in be aftering and clip direction. I do non be after for unanticipated and when it strikes I find myself behind agenda. While managing a undertaking in a Singapore civil building, I made hapless agendas which turned me in to the failure. The people who tendered the undertaking have fined our company for the delayed work. So my foreman was defeated and he gave a memo which made me to recognize the important of clip direction. I do non digest unfavorable judgment. When I was working in India as a interior decorator for a transnational company I was given in-charge of a undertaking. I was provided with 3 more people. I tried actuating the squad and had brainstorming Sessionss. My co-workers passed negative remarks on my attack and since I could n't digest it I had statements and I left the company.Opportunities to Increase Skills:Reading the Belbin ‘s scheme and Johari window I started discoursing with my friends about the things I am believing in my caput so it helps me to believe more loosely than earlier. While I worked in different companies my higher-ups suggested me to show my endowments. I thought if I express my endowments others might believe that I am a ego overstating individual. But now, I relished the necessity of showing our endowments with everyone by the aid of Johari Window. Though I had things done perfect was abashing to be late. I wanted to better, but I was n't cognizant of the right process to bring forth a twenty-four hours, hebdomad, month, and longtime agendas until I heard through the talks on clip direction. During my older yearss when I worked as mentioned in my failing I do non like remarks against my plants. After analyzing the Belbin and SWOT analyses I realised the great thaumaturgy of gaining unfavorable judgments as feedbacks which will assist us in different ways. As ken Blanchard says, the breakfast of an winner is feedback. So Feedback is indispensable for the ground that we need to cognize if we are bettering or non. Feedback gives extra thoughts to our programs. The group activities in the seminar helped a batch to better the communicating accomplishments. And when I am making each assignment in every faculty the accomplishment of seeking information, reading and note devising accomplishments, and composing accomplishment, are acquiring stronger.Wayss to Better My strength:The ways to be a complete closer, therefore I learned in my talks and harmonizing to Dianna ( 2008, pp.17-35 ) , interrupt your long clip ends in to screen clip ends. It will non look so hard to cover with in expectancy. Further to, when we complete one end before traveling to the following, we will hold a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. This will assist us to travel towards following measure in a motor mode. Always choose the interesting and effortless piece of the undertaking and get down from at that place. It will give us increase in self confident when stoping up each piece of work. To go on to be a best leader as toilet ( 1998 ) describes, we should recognize our ain demands and features every bit good as each individual take parting in the group. It helps to cover with every individual as an person, to handle that person with esteem, and to assist the individual rise. As a leader demand to better a figure of single accomplishments like Communicate professionally to hold a right relationship, Plan absolutely to happen the way of end, Teach efficaciously to better accomplishments of the group members, puting up the illustration, commanding group public presentation, keeping records, measuring and reding, to execute more resourcefully. Two most of import accomplishments that we must hold to better all other accomplishments are self assurance and self motive. So we should give more of import to these accomplishments than all other. Self assurance and ego motive are really closely connected. If we non hold in assurance our ego, we can sure that we have jobs in the motive as good and vice-versa. The easiest manner to actuate us is to reiterate the things every twenty-four hours at a certain clip. The scientific discipline says â€Å" it will take 21 to 30 rhythms to put in new wonts within us † . It means we are motivated us towards a new wont twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours. Second manner to actuate us confidently is woolgathering. â€Å" You have to woolgather before your dreams can come true. † Abdul Kalam quotes ( X President of India, b.1931 ) . So when we dreams ( about ends ) strongly so our head will get down believing about it more loosely and congregate burden of information. John, Louis, and tassinary ( 2000 p.572 ) proved â€Å" encephalon reacts to input † . When holding tonss of information and cognition about something will bring forth assurance towards it. Thus the assurance automatically increases our motive.Wayss to suppress my failing:Teamwork knows as co-operative effort by a group of people to achieve a cosmopolitan mark. We have to larn how to manage struggle state of affairss is the trough issue that we will be confronting in teamwork. It can be accrue in figure of different fortunes like, grudge against our public presentation, disapproval of our activities or attack and confronting consecutive resistance to our deman d. However we holding a immense scope of endowments without showing, peers to salvaging the money without even eating. So we have to happen the ways to show and acquire the feedback from that to better our endowments even more. The manner to alter our attitude to back up showing accomplishments are good pass oning, ready to take hazard to face mistakes, and better creativeness to confront the inquiries against your look. And besides need to better ego motive to confront jobs towards showing. This look ever returns a feedback so it will assist us to pattern to happen the ways to acquire feedback for our plants. I recognized how to use our clip in an effectual mode by talks ( Time Management ) ; we should happen the end and track the right way to make our end. As mentioned earlier we can implement the cognition which we learned from talks. At first we need to happen how much clip we have towards our end. Second fix a clip tabular array by dividing our ends in to several kind clip ends and apportion them into the clip and come up with a agenda. And we should maintain records of our times which we are passing out of this program and necessitate to happen possibilities to convey those times in to our end.Events or Persons Slow Down my Growth:The unfavorable judgment is one of the utmost dislikeable things which largely make me annoyed and dissatisfactory towards my development. I like feedback from other but non my work to be criticized by other fellow people. Following to this the following most unacceptable thing is direction biased. This will de-motivate my involvement in my activities. Fina lly the most things I can non accept are changeless supervising which produces me a high emphasis and makes loss in concentration.Future Career Aspirations:I am certain that the analyses and schemes what I have learned will assist me batch in my hereafter. I have learnt how to do my ends and besides how to do it successful. I will utilize the accomplishments like clip direction, teamwork and puting a end in my future calling to do my work really I am really clear that others feedback are really of import which will do me develop a batch in my calling. It is really deserving full to implement clip direction accomplishments, squad direction accomplishments, and puting up ends and its program in my feature disposal bearer. The squad work accomplishments which I have developed while in seminars and talks.DecisionNow I know my strengths and failings. Input signal from each gives me clear ways to get the better of failings and better my failings in assorted state of affairss. I r eally good realised now that â€Å" Fail to Plan is Plan to Fail † .

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Economics and Book Online Essay

1. Liza needs to buy a textbook for the next economics class. The price at the college bookstore is $65. One online site offers it for $55 and another site, for $57. All prices include sales tax. The accompanying table indicates the typical shipping and handling charges for the textbook ordered online. a. What is the opportunity cost of buying online instead of at the bookstore? Note that if you buy the book online, you must wait to get it. The opportunity cost of buying online instead of at the bookstore would be whatever is you would need to give up to get the book online. This would mean that the opportunity cost of buying online would include the sum of the shipping charge and the time that you would spend waiting on the book to arrive. If you buy the book at the store, you would be able to get the book the same day but it would also mean losing out on the possible savings that you would get if you bought it online. b. Show the relevant choices for this student. What determines which of these options the student will choose? So if Liza buys from the bookstore it would cost $65. If Liza decides to buy online from the first store the cost would vary. The price of the book from the first online store would be $55. Next day air to get the book in one business day would cost an additional $13.98. ($55 + $13.98 = $68.98). Her next choice would be to use 2 days shipping which is an $8.98 charge also from the first site. ($55 + $8.98 = $63.98). Next she could use 3-7 day shipping for a $3.99 shipping charge. ($55 + $3.99 = $58.99) The next online site charged $57 for the book. If she chose 1 day shipping it would cost ($57 + $13.98 = $70.98), 2 day shipping would cost ($57 + $8.98 =  $65.98) and 3-7 day shipping would cost ($57 + $3.99 = $60.99). So from looking at the information here it would be unlikely that Liza would purchase from the 2nd online store and I don’t see her buying it from the first online store and using next day shipping because that would cost her $68.98. It is hard to tell from the information whether or not Liza has enough time between now and her next class to wait the 2 or 3-7 for shipping. It would be helpful to know if her class was tomorrow or next week and depending on what time of day she orders the book online or if it is over a weekend or close to a holiday that would also push the shipping date back some. Also where she lives in the U.S. sometimes plays a factor in shipping times. 2. In August 2007, a sharp downturn in the U.S. housing market reduced the income of many who worked in the home construction industry. A Wall Street Journal news article reported that Wal-Mart’s wire-transfer business was likely to suffer because many construction workers are Hispanics who regularly send part of their wages back to relatives in their home countries via Wal-Mart. With this information, use one of the principles of economy-wide interaction to trace a chain of links that explains how reduced spending for U.S. home purchases is likely to affect the performance of the Mexican economy. I think in this case this may fall under Principle #10: One person’s spending is another person’s income according to our textbook. If you start from the top of the chain that may include lenders and financial institutions that are funding a construction or real estate project or they are finding that they are taking a high risk because more people are defaulting on the mortgage loans. If that takes place then this hurts the lenders because there will be less potential home buyers because of people losing jobs and finding it harder to find work so in return that will make the real estate market crash. This chain of events will make it harder for the contractors to keep some of their workers and be forced to fire people so that will make it harder for the Mexican community to send money back to their families which is why it will also hurt Wal-Mart’s wire-transfer business. 3. During the Great Depression, food was left to rot in the fields or fields that had once been actively cultivated were left fallow. Use one of the principles of economy-wide interaction to explain how this could have occurred. For this I would say that Principle #11: Overall spending sometimes gets out of line with the economy’s productive capacity, would fit this situation. Because there was not as much spending going on during the great depression that also would mean that there would be less people buying products such as foods from the fields. The food that was already produced or grown would be left to rot if the sellers could not find any buyers. As it says in our textbook, â€Å"in the 1930s, spending fell far short of what was needed to keep American workers employed, and the result was a severe economic slump. In fact, shortfalls in spending are responsible for most, though not all, recessions.†

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Losing Time in Life The Swimmer by John Cheever - 1203 Words

Founding Father Benjamin Franklin, once declared â€Å"Lost time is never found again.† This quote ties to the meaning of how people frequently let time seep through their hands. John Cheever’s The Swimmer portrays this through the eyes of suburban man Neddy. Neddy is the average ‘Joe’ of most suburban households. Life in suburbia is repetitive in most scenarios, and humans can easily get lost in the monotonous adventure known aslife. Time leaks away from his figure, and he is not sure of he is the one changing too fast, or the world around him. His main themes include the duality of human nature: sometimes dramatized as the disparity between a characters decorous social persona and inner corruption (Kozikowski) supports this cause.†¦show more content†¦Neddy does not take time to pay attention to the leaves getting darker and falling to the ground. Throughout Neddy’s journey â€Å"The Swimmer† he loses his sanity gradually as his lov ed ones leave him. For many people, friends and family make walking the tight-rope of life much easier. Eventually, Neddy begins to realize people leaving him, for that they move on without telling him and are malicious to him when they meet. Cheever manifests this when â€Å"...He visits the Welchers, only to find the pool drained, the furniture folded and stacked, the bathhouse locked, and their house for sale.† Unfortunately, Neddy has lost all sense of time, as everything seems to fly by him. Critics Blythe and Sweet support this with, â€Å"Time, despite Neddys attempts through repetition to stop it, has not been standing still.† The last straw hits him when he returns to his domicile. Expecting to see his lovely family, a cruel darkness greets him. As when his loved ones leave him, his sanity does as well. With the use of diction, Cheever illustrates to readers the rotten repetition that portrays Neddy’s life. Doing the same tasks over and over again, Chee ver emphasizes this throughout the story. She made her way to him through the crowd, and when they had finished kissing she led him to the bar, a progress that was slowed by the fact that he stopped to kiss eight or ten other women and shake the handsShow MoreRelated Use of Symbolism, Tone, and Irony in The Swimmer, by John Cheever1704 Words   |  7 Pagesperfect life, and the world appears upside-down. Attempts to remember what went wrong fail. Memories are unclear and time seems blurry. At one time, John Cheever found himself in this position, using alcohol to ignore his problems. John Cheever was born in Quincy, Massachusetts in 1912. In 1941, he moved to suburban Westchester and eventually became addicted to alcohol, which is a recurrent motif in many of his short stories. He died in 1982 from cancer. In his short story, The Swimmer, an affluentRead MoreThe Swimmer By John Cheever1584 Words   |  7 Pages The author of â€Å"The Swimmer†, John Cheever, was born in 1912 in Quincy, Massachusetts. During the downfall of his life, Cheever had a twenty-year battle with alcoholism. Then after, he went to rehab for alcoholism in 1975. This experience then led him to write about his issues with alcohol in the short stories, â€Å"The Swimmer† and the â€Å"Falconer.† Over his lifetime, Cheever has obtained several awards including the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award. Even though Cheever got kicked out of hisRead MoreThe Swimmer By John Cheever1424 Words   |  6 Pagesstory, The Swimmer, John Cheever does a clever job engaging the reader in understanding the complexity and change in Ned Merrill’s life circumstances through his travels to various pools. It is implied that Ned was once successful and had everything. He had a wife, named Lucinda, and children. He had a beautiful home and a circle of friends. It seemed like he had it all. However, his tr avel through pools and time, show the reader that Ned’s life is not all that it seems. At the time that storyRead MoreEssay about The Swimmer563 Words   |  3 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;quot;The Swimmerquot; by John Cheever describes Neddy Merrils quot;swimquot; home. Neddy is a husband and a father, he is also a drunk. The story encompasses about twenty years of his life of alcohol which ruined not only him but also his relationship with his family. One day after waking up with a hangover he drinks a little and decides to swim home. It is obvious he is a drunk because he is constantly searching for a drink on his swim home. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Neddy