Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Appraisal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Appraisal - Research Paper Example 2. Do you think that Vice President Winchester would be better off dropping graphic rating forms, substituting instead one of the other techniques we discussed in this chapter, such as a ranking method? Why? Probably the problem doesn’t lie in the graphic ratings form; the problem is tied to what the form is tied to, which is the salary appraisal. It has been mentioned in the case that everyone seems to be biased in filling out the forms, so if forms get filled without any apparent bias, performance evaluation could work with the same graphic forms. If I were Rob, I would develop bonus system for every task done. It would be like a milestone plan. Every secretary’s job would be divided into certain milestones and their job will be to complete it in time satisfactorily. The immediate supervisor will rate their work on quality, schedule, expertise, communication, and knowledge, and will give those stars out of a maximum of five stars. According to this evaluation, each milestone will have its normal salary and then for higher ratings, a bonus. A Value for Money Framework (Rogers & Duffy, 2012, p198) will be built for each secretary This will be different from the previous appraisal system because employee’s bonus will be tied to their performance which already has been categorized in different forms and not just in terms of ‘perfect’, ‘good’ or

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