Sunday, May 24, 2020

Map the Research Design Used by Donatos for New Product...

Business Research Methods Case Analysis INTRODUCTION For this project youre going to read the Donatos: Finding the New Pizza (Attached) case and answer the discussion questions. Discussion questions: 1. Map the research design used by Donato’s for new product development. 2. Evaluate the Wassup meetings as an exploratory methodology to help define the research question. 3. Evaluate the test marked Donatos used. What were its advantages and disadvantages? 4. What measurement scales would you have used on the survey that was part of the in-restaurant product tests? Writing Guidelines †¢ Read the assignment carefully and answer each question. †¢ Be specific. Limit your submission to the†¦show more content†¦Convinced the low-carb craze permeating the media was no fad, Donatos started its research-based product development process. The process typically starts with developing the product prototype, followed by employee taste testing, concept screens (where participants, usually in a central location, are shown photographs of food products, and then queried about the items uniqueness, brand fit, price attractiveness, and the likelihood of purchase if the product were available), and ultimately in-restaurant tests in two or more restaurants within the chain. In-restaurant tests also include participants completing a self-administered intercept surveyor, for delivery customers, a callback phone survey. In the product prototype phase, Donatos was running into problems. We were getting in low-carb crusts, and they were awful. Awful is not a good fit with who we are, emphasized Krouse. Then we had one of those creative recognitions-people were willing to Business Research Methods, 11 e, Cooper/Schindler [pic] Donalos: Finding Ihe New Pizza eat the toppings without the crust. That changed Donatos direction: could the company market a pizza without crust. Our director of distribution said, Thats just goofy enough to take off, chuckled Krouse. With all the emphasis on quality toppings, a no-dough pizza captured ourShow MoreRelatedMap the Research Design Used by Donatos for New Product Development1730 Words   |  7 PagesBusiness Research Methods Case Analysis INTRODUCTION For this project youre going to read the Donatos: Finding the New Pizza (Attached) case and answer the discussion questions. Discussion questions: 1. Map the research design used by Donato’s for new product development. 2. Evaluate the Wassup meetings as an exploratory methodology to help define the research question. 3. Evaluate the test marked Donatos used. What were its advantages and disadvantages? 4. What measurement scales wouldRead MoreDonatos Pizza Case Study622 Words   |  3 Pages1 Map the research design used by Donato’s for new product development. A: Idea development Developing the product prototype : Donato’s used employee taste testing to know what customers preferences are and develops the new product Taste testing(by employee) : Is done with the organisation Displaying Photographs of food products: Displaying sample pictures of the recent developed food Uniqueness: Developing a unique product which reaches the customers attention. Brand fit and priceRead MoreEssay about Donatos Pizza Case Study681 Words   |  3 Pages1 Map the research design used by Donato’s for new product development. Final Design Final Product specifications completed Final Design Final Product specifications completed Preliminary Testing Product prototypes built, tested and refined Preliminary Testing Product prototypes built, tested and refined Product Screening Product idea evaluated;Need to consider operations, marketing and financial requirements Product Screening Product idea evaluated;Need to consider operations, marketingRead MoreDonatos Pizza Case Study1272 Words   |  6 Pagesdetail the method for formulating the research question discussed in Chapter 5. Evaluate fully the wassup meetings as an exploratory methodology to help define the research question. On our course website I posted a video clip of a Donatos commercial. Indicate the unique selling proposition communicated in the commercial and briefly mention your opinion regarding the effectiveness of the commercial. 100 word minimum Donato s Pizza uses the exploratory research to implement the stages of necessary

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