Monday, May 18, 2020

The themes are timeless and resonate the views in a modern...

The themes are timeless and resonate the views in a modern society despite being written in disparate contexts, these values concern the core of human nature. This can be shown and evidenced through Shakespeares Othello and the similar views in Clint Eastwoods Unforgiven. Both texts echo the same views and themes through timeless society, these being Gender, and Honour. In â€Å"Othello† there are many negative views on the treatment of women and equality which are shared with â€Å"Unforgiven† though at a much more violent level and both exerting male dominance. Iago see’s all women the same, addressing his statement with the use of caesura, ‘devils being offended†¦, and housewives in your beds’ from Act 2 scene 1. He lists these abusing†¦show more content†¦Little Bill’s comment during the interrogation of those guilty of the abuse towards Delilah is ironic, ‘well I aint gonna hurt no woman’ as though he doesn’t harm the women, he has still hurt them as the offenders were not punished justly for their crime, which is insulting towards the women. The Kid comes to Munny for help and labels the women with animal imagery here ‘even cut her teats’ the incident was over exaggerated, though the animal imagery reveals that another man in the country uses a downgrading term, thus offending the females. Overall the males views in both ‘Othello’ and â€Å"unforgiven† remain pertinent despite the gap in their time, which only shows that the theme is timeless and the fight for equality is not over. Othello is known as an honorable man in the play as he is in charge but that begins to fade, and Desdemona still chooses to honor her husband. The ironic comment from Desdemona in Act 4 Scene 2 ‘To whom my lord, With whom? How am I false?’ this is ironic as everyone but her knows that she is accused of adultery , and her use of repeated question marks shows her distress to be right in the eyes of her husband, to honor him with respect. Iago is one who also holds a honorable position, though it is deceiving. His high regard can be noted through the use of epithets ‘Honest Iago’. These epithets are ironic as he is not ‘honorable’, andShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Shirley Jacksons The Lottery Essays4601 Words   |  19 Pagesparticipating in a social event together on a special day, the shocking twist at the work’s end—with the death of the lottery’s â€Å"winner† by public stoning—has led to its widespread popula rity, public outcry and discussion, and continued examination in modern times (Jackson). One potential critical theory that can be applied to Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery† is the reader-response approach. This analytical lens is a â€Å"theory ... that bases the critical perspective of a text on ‘the reader’ and his or her personalRead MoreAN ANALYSIS PAPER ON ANTON CHEKHOV’S THE SEAGULL AND THE CHERRY ORCHARD12092 Words   |  49 Pagesto: Mrs. Joneth D. Vibar Submitted by: Vincent del Castillo IV-St.Francis of Assisi Outline of Analysis 1 Author’s Style 1.1 Anton Chekhov as a Playwright and Author of Short Stories 1.1.1 Russia’s best known Modern Playwright 1.1.1 Master of the Modern Short Story 1.2 Anton Chekhov and his Influences 1.2.1 Nineteenth Century Russia 1.2.2 His Contemporaries Anton Chekhov and Leo Tolstoy 1.3 Anton Chekhov’s Mood Literature 1Read MoreA Case Study of International Brand Management: Comparison of Lexus Brand Management in Brazil, United States and Japan.39374 Words   |  158 Pagesfactor to overcome the cultural gap. After getting over it, everything became more enjoyable. Being in Japan, it was high time that one researched a Japanese company (and/or brand) to make the utmost of this program. So, why brand management? It was amazing to observe the power that some brands exerted on consumers and the fascination people had with some trademarks. The discovery of a wide majority of people being brand oriented was encouraging, yet quite difficult to understand at the time. Bearing fromRead MoreBrand Building Blocks96400 Words   |  386 Pagesdynamics. There is also an enhanced motivation to copy anything that is successful, in part because the risks of copying are offset by the difficulty of coming up with brilliant new alternatives. 3. Fragmenting Markets And Media At one time, being consistent across media and markets was easy. There were a limited number of media options and only a few national media vehicles. Mass markets were the norm, and microsegmentation did not exist. Brand managers now face a very different environment

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